Function arrowTags

  • Format tagged templates for HTML tags


    Pass contents, attributes, then html element

    import { html } from '@arrow-js/core';
    import { arrowTags } from 'arrow-tags';
    const greeting = 'Hello';
    const style = 'color: red;';
    // Render a span with red text to the DOM
    const el = document.getElementById('root');
    arrowTags(html).span`${greeting}`({ style })(el);


    Pass reactive contents that update interactively

    import { reactive, html } from '@arrow-js/core';
    import { arrowTags } from 'arrow-tags';
    const data = reactive({ i: 0 });
    const greetings = ['Hello', 'Goodbye'];
    const toGreeting = ({ i }) => greetings[i % 2];
    const props = { data, "@click": () => data.i += 1 };
    // The button greeting reacts to user input
    const el = document.getElementById('root');


    Pass attributes that update interactively

    import { reactive, html } from '@arrow-js/core';
    import { arrowTags } from 'arrow-tags';
    const data = reactive({ i: 0 });
    const colors = ['red', 'pink'];
    const toColors = ({ i }) => colors[i % 2];
    const style = d => `color: ${toColors(d)};`;
    // The button color reacts to user input
    const el = document.getElementById('root');
    data, style, "@click": () => data.i += 1


    Returns Record<string, Tag>

    ArrowJS tagged template wrapper

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