Tags for ArrowJS without HTML syntax. This allows a convenient way to pass multiple HTML attributes, and use reactive data directly within the arrow functions. Read the documentation for arrowTags. Use arrowTags responsibly with the valid elements for your HTML or custom elements. Install here.
import { reactive, html } from '@arrow-js/core';
import { arrowTags } from 'arrow-tags';
const data = reactive({ i: 0 });
const { button } = arrowTags(html);
button`${({ i }) => ['on', 'off'][i % 2]}`({
data, style: 'color: blue;',
"@click": () => data.i += 1
The above is new syntax for this ArrowJS code:
import { reactive, html } from '@arrow-js/core';
const data = reactive({ i: 0 });
html`<button style="color: blue;" @click="${() => data.i += 1}">
${() => ['on', 'off'][data.i % 2]}
This installation assumes pnpm
and node 18
pnpm install @arrow-js/core
pnpm install arrow-tags
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.3/install.sh | bash
curl -fsSL https://get.pnpm.io/install.sh | sh -
nvm install 18
nvm use 18
Pass contents, attributes, then html element
import { html } from '@arrow-js/core';
import { arrowTags } from 'arrow-tags';
const greeting = 'Hello';
const style = 'color: red;';
// Render a span with red text to the DOM
const el = document.getElementById('root');
arrowTags(html).span`${greeting}`({ style })(el);
Pass reactive contents that update interactively
import { reactive, html } from '@arrow-js/core';
import { arrowTags } from 'arrow-tags';
const data = reactive({ i: 0 });
const onClick = () => data.i += 1;
const greetings = ['Hello', 'Goodbye'];
const toGreeting = ({ i }) => greetings[i % 2];
const props = { data, "@click": () => data.i += 1 };
// The button greeting reacts to user input
const el = document.getElementById('root');
Pass attributes that update interactively
import { reactive, html } from '@arrow-js/core';
import { arrowTags } from 'arrow-tags';
const data = reactive({ i: 0 });
const onClick = () => data.i += 1;
const colors = ['red', 'pink'];
const toColors = ({ i }) => colors[i % 2];
const style = d => `color: ${toColors(d)};`;
// The button color reacts to user input
const el = document.getElementById('root');
data, style, "@click": () => data.i += 1
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